Strong Group Athletics Secures Impressive First Runner-Up Position in Dubai Finals, Falling Short to Al Riyadi

In a thrilling culmination of sporting excellence, the Dubai finals witnessed Strong Group Athletics securing a commendable first runner-up position, narrowly missing out on the championship title to the formidable Al Riyadi. The match unfolded as a testament to the prowess of both teams, captivating fans with its intensity and skillful displays.

Throughout the tournament, Strong Group Athletics had showcased their mettle, dominating opponents and earning their place in the finals. However, the grand showdown against Al Riyadi proved to be a closely contested battle, with both teams leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of victory.

Strong Group Athletics Secures Impressive First Runner-Up Position in Dubai Finals, Falling Short to Al Riyadi

The match saw Strong Group Athletics delivering a valiant performance, displaying their trademark teamwork and individual skills. Despite their unwavering efforts, Al Riyadi’s strategic prowess and precise execution proved to be the deciding factor in the final moments of the game.

The defeat, albeit bittersweet, serves as a source of motivation for Strong Group Athletics to refine their strategies, learn from the experience, and strive for even greater success in future competitions. The Dubai finals have undoubtedly left fans eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the rivalry between these two exceptional teams.

As Al Riyadi celebrates their championship victory, Strong Group Athletics can hold their heads high, knowing that they have left anStrong Group Athletics Secures Impressive First Runner-Up Position in Dubai Finals, Falling Short to Al Riyadi  indelible mark on the tournament and established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the competitive world of athletics in Dubai. The first runner-up position reflects not only their skill on the court but also their resilience in the face of formidable opponents.



Score Breakdown
Strong Group Athletics = 74 Al Riyadi = 77
Name Points Name  Points
Roberson 24 Harris 23
Howard 18 Arakji 16
Heading  17 Abdelmoneim 10
Moore 12 Kikanovic 7
Blatche 3 Zeinoun 6
Gyokchyan 5
Sakakini 5
Saoud 3